Hesperian Health Guides

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이 책의 한국어판 저작권은 The Hesperian Foundation의 독점 계약으로 ‘DSI’ 가 소유합니다. 저작권법에 의해 무단 전제와 무단 복제를 금합니다.

Hesperian Health Guides, Oakland, California, USA, www.hesperian.org

Copyright © 1983, 2006, 2012, 2015, 2021, 2023 by Hesperian Health Guides
First edition, November 1983
ISBN: 978-0-942364-05-7

Hesperian encourages you to copy, reproduce, or adapt any or all parts of this book, including the illustrations, provided that you do this for non-commercial purposes, credit Hesperian, and follow the other requirements of Hesperian’s Open Copyright License (see www.hesperian.org/about/open-copyright).

For certain kinds of adaptation and distribution, we ask that you first obtain permission from Hesperian. Contact [email protected] to use any part of this book for commercial purposes; in quantities more than 100 print copies; in any digital format; or with an organizational budget more than US$1 million.

We also ask that you contact Hesperian for permission before beginning any translation, to avoid duplication of efforts, and for suggestions about adapting the information in this book. Please send Hesperian a copy of any materials in which text or illustrations from this book have been used.

THIS EDITION CAN BE IMPROVED WITH YOUR HELP. If you are a health worker, community organizer, student, teacher, parent, or anyone with ideas or suggestions for ways this book could be changed to better meet the needs of your community, please write to Hesperian. Thank you for your help.

Hesperian Health Guides
2860 Telegraph Ave
Oakland, CA 94609 USA
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